Disini bermulanya satu Epik Penulisan............
Monday, May 31, 2010
Banteras perjudian Internet
Serentak dengan itu, Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan mengarahkan semua agensi penguat kuasa seperti polis, pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT), imigresen dan Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) melakukan operasi bersama bagi membanteras kegiatan tersebut daripada berleluasa.
Saya mahu ingatkan pengusaha kafe siber, jangan jadikan premis mereka sebagai lokasi perjudian Internet atau mereka akan berhadapan tindakan undang-undang termasuk lesen dirampas.
Saya mahu mesin judi Internet haram dirampas sebagai pengajaran kepada mereka. Banteras segera kegiatan ini sehingga ke akar umbi.
Kita tidak mahu kewujudannya merosakkan jati diri rakyat serta menimbulkan penyakit sosial yang menjejaskan keharmonian masyarakat, katanya selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Exco di sini hari ini.
Justeru, kata Mohamad, pembanterasan yang dilakukan itu hendaklah seiring kerana terlalu banyak pertindihan dalam tindakan dan sebagai contohnya, kes perjudian ini di bawah kuasa polis, manakala perihal berkaitan lesen dan permit dibuat oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan.
Kita dapati penyakit judi siber ini semakin berleluasa. Banyak lesen telah disalah guna. Di luar mereka tulis kafe siber, tetapi di dalam menjalankan kegiatan mesin judi Internet, ujar Mohamad.
Tegasnya, kerajaan negeri mahu pemantauan lebih ketat di buat ke atas semua kafe siber dan ia hendaklah diperiksa lebih kerap bagi menghindarkan aktiviti haram berkenaan dilakukan di sebalik cermin yang ditutup itu.
Masyarakat jadi rosak pemikirannya kerana judi Internet.
PBT, polis dan imigresen telah pun membuat banyak serbuan ke atas premis kafe siber ini dan mesin perjudian juga banyak yang dirampas. Lesen dan permit mereka juga kita tarik balik.
Kalau susah sangat, kita juga akan melibatkan TNB supaya bekalan elektrik di premis terbabit dipotong bekalannya, kata Mohamad.
Mohamad berkata, ancaman perjudian Internet haram ini begitu serius dan tiada cara lain, selain memerangi habis-habisan lubuk yang menjadi sarang perjudian ini.
Remaja, pelajar, orang tua dan semua yang terlibat sudah diancam penyakit baru iaitu judi Internet. Kita akan pantau juga di beberapa daerah yang kini menjadi lubuk baru aktiviti tersebut.
Cari sampai dapat dan pastikan aktiviti perjudian Internet haram ini dibanteras segera, kata Mohamad lagi.
Dipetik dari Utusan Malaysia
Islamic Widget

Katakan Wokyoh!!!
WokYoh Karmina Crew

Seorang hamba Allah yang bernama Mohd Faiz Md Adnan.Selama 8 jam perjalanan jika Bas, 12 jam perjalanan jika kereta api , 1 jam penerbangan jika terbang...begitulah jauhnya, negeriku Kelantan tanah tumpahnya darahku. Juga seorang pelajar dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Elektrik.

Seorang muslim berasal dr Johor, kini menetap di Bangi. Atuk saya memberikan cadangan nama kepada bapa saya dan tanpa berfikir panjang, bapa saya memilih untuk memberikan nama kepada insan yang lahir pada 16 Januari 1990 ini dengan nama Muhammad Asyiq bin Hj. Baharudin....huh...ckup kot nih...nk lg tgk kt fb r...hehe

Mohd Azwan bin HUsin nama diberi, Dari Klate Kawe mari, Duk Cini amik kos Engginering, Mekanikal wat kawe Gemari, Kecek Banyok Xdop Guno, Pahtu nok kiro guano??, Nok tahu bnyok lagi ko???, Dale FaceBOOK Ade blako.........
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Wavin Flag-Knaan
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
But Violent prone, poor people zone
But it’s my home, all I have known
Where I got grown, streets we would roam
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Among the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak
Except no defeat, surrender retreat
So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day
It’s not far away, so for now we say
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
So many wars, settling scores
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor
I heard them say, love is the way
Love is the answer, that’s what they say,
But look how they treat us, make us believers
We fight their battles, then they deceive us
Try to control us, they couldn’t hold us
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers
But we struggling, fighting to eat
And we wondering, when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day
It’s not far away, but for now we say
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag.
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
But Violent prone, poor people zone
But it’s my home, all I have known
Where I got grown, streets we would roam
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Among the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak
Except no defeat, surrender retreat
We wondering when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day
It’s not far away, so for now we say
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor
I heard them say, love is the way
Love is the answer, that’s what they say,
But look how they treat us, make us believers
We fight their battles, then they deceive us
Try to control us, they couldn’t hold us
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers
And we wondering, when we’ll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day
It’s not far away, but for now we say
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
They’ll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag.
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